Honey and tea is a match in heaven. But oftentimes we make the mistake of pouring honey right after making tea. In high temperature honey loses many of its most valuable organic components and we still have to wait for our drink to cool down. 60 Degree Honey is the answer to this problem.
The packaging trick is thermoactive paint, calibrated at 60 degrees to signal consumers when to use the product. Comfort was also an important issue in the design process, that’s why 60 Degrees Honey comes in single serving forms. It makes its application simple and tidy.
The single serving packaging is easy to use: just affix the back side to a cup, mug or tea pot. When it changes colour the optimal temperature has been reached. Drop honey and start experiencing a perfect tea.
60 degrees Celsius is the optimal temperature for experiencing the full flavour of tea according to a study by the University of Northumbria at Newcastle.
At the same time at this temperature tea maintains most of its desired qualities. 60 Degrees Honey packaging allows to check the cup of tea’s temperature and signals the right moment to sweeten it with honey.
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